Update statistics

In Project -> Communication -> Updates, you have a list of all project updates with statistics. You can easily manage your notifications there. Read more about updates here.

Statistics details

Going from the left, you can see statistics for one specific update:

- total views

- total likes

- total comments

- how many emails with update notifications were sent

- how many emails with update notifications were opened

- how many times the emails with update notifications were cliked

- how the update has influenced the funding of your project (NOTE: the system will attribute the change of the pledge to every update visited by backer within the same session. That means if a backer pledges after seeing several updates, all of them will have the value of that pledge included)

If the notifications weren't sent, you'd see a button "send notifications," and if they were sent, you'd see the statistics with "notifications sent" info as above.

NOTE: The data is collected in full scope from 28 Feb 2023. Some information will also be shown on your past updates, but the numbers from older updates may not be accurate. So don’t worry if you see that some updates show zeros.

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